
Monday, February 14, 2011

Ten Reasons Why I Love My Husband

I thought for Valentine's Day I'd dedicate a little blog post to Reid.  I would have written "top 10" but I'm not sure I have the mental clarity right now to put these in order and I know I'm going to leave a lot out.  (Please don't judge me that I've referred to our baby a couple times today as a little parasite who is draining all the energy and mental capacities right out of my body.  Love this baby, not a big fan of the side effects.) So just listing ten of the many, many reasons why I'm still thrilled that  Reid is all mine (you know, after almost 11 whole months) may be sufficient for now.

1.)  First, he will eat anything at least once.   I've never heard him say "that's gross" or "I don't like that" without first giving it a go.  I love even more that even though he knows he hates raw tomatoes, he tries them at least once every single year just in case anything changes.  I definitely could not have married a picky eater.

2.)  He calls me "Sugar-britches."  For the first two months of dating it made me giggle uncontrollably (mainly because I had never heard anyone say anthing like that and with such a Southern drawl).  I would laugh so hard I was asked on one occassion if I was drunk (right before church, which I was not, thank goodness).  Now all his coworkers and most of his friends refer to me by this little pet name as well. 

3.)  For my birthday this year he spent forever finding the perfect pair of boots for me because he knew my feet get really cold.  It was the last thing I would have thought to ask for but now I wear my Mucklucks as often as I can and my toes stay so cozy, especially during the cold market days lately.

4.)  He knows how to fix plumbing in our house. 

5.)  He built a two story dog/cat house for our pets complete with wood lap siding and a tin roof.  (I told him we should get Leonard Jones to paint it.) 

6.)  He makes sure I have a glass of water before he gets in bed every night so I can have it as soon as I wake up...often a few hours after he wakes up and is already at work.

7.)  Since we found out we were expecting he has completely withheld from tickling me or trying to scare me which has previously made up a big part of his entertainment.  This is a big act of restraint for him and I appreciate it tremendously. 

8.)  He knows how to reload bullets which just sounds like it would be too hard, tedious and dangerous for me.  Even better have been the little craft projects lately that have gone with it such as ducktaping random boxes and filling them with that insulation foam stuff to make bullet cases as well as cutting out target critters (so now we have cardboard squirrels, hogs and birds). 

9.)  This past Saturday morning before the market I had some major morning sickness, had banged my leg falling up the stairs, had no makeup on and had gone all night without sleep to get everything baked for the market. I looked pretty pitiful but he looked at me and said "You're so pretty darlin."  It may have made me cry all prego-emotional style complete with sniffling but it was super sweet.

10.)  Speaking of Saturday mornings...Every Friday night/Saturday morning since last May about he has stayed up late/gotten up early with me to help bake/prep for the market, load my car, make the coffee and then spend all morning with me "working" our little tables behind the courthouse.  We joke around about our regular "Saturday morning date" but I really cannot think of anything more romantic than having a husband who supports my little dream endeavor so much that he'll give up all his Friday nights and Saturdays to help me.  (Along with countless weeknights and middle of the nights too!).

11.)  Okay I'm going for a couple more here...Every Sunday since we were dating Reid has been the one who makes sure we get to church.  I'm so grateful our little baby is going to have a father who isn't quite as flaky as I am...(I'm also grateful our church doesn't start until eleven because the good Lord knows I am not naturally an early riser).

12.)  Lastly, the thing Reid does that completely knocks me off my feet:  He folds laundry just like he learned in military school.  Am I the only one impressed at how flat/square this stack of t-shirts is? 

If you've trudged through all my newlywed sappiness, thanks!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day with your friends, lovah or that box of chocolate that went on sale early...  (And that any men reading this realize that folding laundry is waaaaay sexier than flowers.)


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